Greater Manchester-Japan Steering Group

Greater Manchester established a GM-Japan Steering Group in 2021 to provide strategic direction to the bilateral relationships between GM and Japan. Chaired by the Honorary Consul of Japan in Manchester, Mrs Jo Ahmed, the Group brings together partners and institutions in Greater Manchester that are already having strong connections with Japan. 

The Greater Manchester-Japan Steering Group consists of: 

Jo Ahmed, Honorary Consul for Japan in Manchester, Deloitte
Mike Blyth, British Consul General, Osaka, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Mark Atherton, Director of Environment, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Maria Gonzalez, Principal, International Relations, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Nicole Strickland, Principal for International Trade and Investment, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Louise Latham, Director of Communications, Marketing Manchester
David Hilton, Business Development Director, MIDAS
Lisa Turner, Principal Policy Officer, Manchester City Council

The Secretariat Function is provided by the GMCA.

The Greater Manchester-Japan Advisory Board consists of: 

Susana Córdoba, Head of International Trade, GM Chamber of Commerce
Rachel McCrystal, Connect with Japan
Amer Gaffar, Director of the Manchester Fuel Cell Innovation Centre, Manchester Metropolitan University
Andy Hulme, Head of Innovation and Growth, North West Business Leadership Team
Rhys Whalley, Manchester Airport Group
Dr Clara Cheung, Reader, Faculty Head of Internationalisation and Group Lead of Engineering Management, University of Manchester

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