Shared History 共有された履歴

Shared History


In December 2023, a delegation of members from the GM-Japan Steering Group together with industrial, culture and sport organisations from Greater Manchester visited Osaka and Tokyo. Described as one of the most successful UK missions to Japan by the Japanese Embassy in London, the mission saw:

  • The signing of an historic Memorandum of Understand between Mayor Andy Burnham and Mayor Yokoyama 
  • A successful visit to Panasonic RE100 Solutions Demonstration Facility in Shiga which led to the signing of an MoU between Greater Manchester and Panasonic in January 2024. 
  • Meetings with Japanese senior elected officials including Governor of Osaka, Governor of Tokyo and Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office of the Japan Government. 
  • British Senior Officials involved in the Mission, included Greg Clark MP, then Prime Minister’s Envoy to Japan, Julia Longbottom, Ambassador of UK to Tokyo, and British Consul General in Osaka, Carolyn Davidson. 
  • Several networking and business events throughout the week involving 250+ businesses in Japan. 
  • 15 meetings with Greater Manchester Civic Leaders and Japanese industries 
  • A Low Carbon event with Japanese local authorities and businesses attended by 40+ guests. 
Shared History


During the Industrial revolution, a group of students from the Satsuma region travelled to Greater Manchester and brought back to Japan machinery from the Oldham manufacturers, Platt Brothers. The relationship was said to be so fruitful, that further trips occurred well into the 20th century with trading links continuing for more than 100 years.

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